Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A Haircut For Brother

Brother hates getting his haircut. It's like trying to get a cat to go into a bath. It is not easy and torture for everyone. We tried to bring him on Sunday after church to a cute barber shop where they have little cars for seats for the kids. So cute. Tried to bribe him with candy. Nope. He was not having it and was starting in with a melt down in the shop so we decided to leave. We stopped at another store in the mall that sells kids toys. They had this really cute tool sets. Brother was so excited about the tools we decided to try the bribe. We would buy him some tools if he got his haircut. That was it. He agreed. So the next day Papa brought him in. We had talked about how much we like his hair long but the length was getting bad so he at least needed a trim. I suggested buzzing his hair since he hates getting his haircut so much then he could grow it out for a long time. Papa was hesitant so when he left I told him to do what ever he felt was best. I would be okay with anything. Just get it cut.

The buzz seemed like the better option. The picture above is from this last weekend while in the car, the kids stayed occupied with the mobile DVD player (thanks lita and tia!). Below is a slide show of some photos I took this morning with his new tools he earned for being a big boy and getting his haircut. He looks so grown up and he seems to really like having all that hair off his face. You can actually see all his facial expressions and they are so adorable! Papa and I also agreed that now that he has his haircut he actually looks a bit like me now. I love it. And I know we can let it grow for a good long time now.


Theresa in Mèrida said...

I have a question, on the title space you write "a mixed family pulling up root..." what does a mixed family mean? I assume it means that you had a child from before and your husband did too, and maybe you guys had another one together and mixed your families. But in this post you mention how brother looks more like you with his hair cut, and sister looks like you, so I am mega confused. I wouldn't have asked except it's part of the title.

Honduras Sprout said...

Hmmm....That's a good question, Thereesa. Maybe "mixed" isn't the right word. My daughter is from a previous relationship but my son I had with my husband. So...not sure how to label the family then. I'll have to think of a better description.

Theresa in Mèrida said...

I think they call those blended families in the USA, but really, it's just a family. Why label it? I am enjoying reading your blog, thanks for answering my quetion.