Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A Christmas Song

I have loved Sarah McLachlan since the spring of 1995 when I first heard her on a mountain side sitting on a blanket at a Jazz Fest in Colorado. I bought her CD that day. I sing some of her songs to my daughter sometimes as bedtime songs. I used to associate her music to someone from my past, but now I seem to have transferred that to Sister and when I hear Sarah sing I think of my sweet little girl who I miss so much right now. It's Christmas time and I wish I could transport myself to MN right now and cuddle up in a warm and cozy house next to her and sing some Christmas music.

Here is a "blip" from my friend's DJ website with Sarah's latest Christmas song. (Thanks TD!)


Crystal said...

You and your daughter favor so much. I bet she is excited that Christmas is getting close!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the simplicity of the song. Thanks for sharing!
Bilingual teacher in Omaha

Anonymous said...

I'm sure sister misses you, too. She is a strong girl just like her mommy.