7-15-06 Saturday 5:10pm
We had the most beautiful morning and afternoon. We got up at dawn and went to a place about 15 minutes outside La Ceiba, called Samboo Creek. A village with all dirt roads and beautiful children all over the place. I felt safe there, but maybe that's just wishful thinking, but b/c so many children were around, it seemed safe.
We took a boat to a small island to snorkel & sunbathe. Paradise. Amazing. I wish I could put into words the amazing experience we had. You can walk around the island in just a
few minutes. One end of the shore line is all dried coral and shells.
We found a big beautiful shell to bring home. We had fun laying on the beach and digging for little hermit crabs. After here, we leave to have lunch made by the Garifunas that live on another island. It was like magic at this place. We were greeted by smiling children showing us shell necklaces for sale and escorted to a table and served a plate of amazing food. Fish, rice & beans and fried plantains with a sauce and lime to put on everything. I enjoyed every last bite. We literally sucked the bones clean. And the children around were so beautiful. Playing and they seemed so happy. They lived in wood and cardboard huts and they were just beautiful people. Warm and welcoming. At the house where we ate, the family had a large photo hanging on their wall of a snow-capped mountain. Funny that their home would be a picture that we would hang on our walls with the white sand beaches and perfect water all around. It was such a nice afternoon and we had so much fun swimming with the boys, Felix, & Angel. Smart boys.
The time with my husband was beautiful too. I couldn't ask for a more perfect, fun, romantic, enjoyable day.
All for now. Dinner is next.
I am sitting at the most romantic restaurant with my husband. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect dinner on a terrace overlooking the ocean. We watched the sun go down while eating a dinner of fine cooked meat on an outdoor grill. The owner is from Paraguay. He serves no rice and beans at his establishment. The breeze is blowing in from the water. It's beautiful here. Everywhere we go Papa starts conversations. He learns so much from listening to people. He is talking to an older man who was a judge for twenty years. And it also turns out that his wife could very likely be cousins with Papa's biological father. Very interesting. I've had a wonderful day. Perfecto!
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